I would like to work part-time

I would like to work part-time

Part-time jobs are also worthwhile - you can stay active and add to your skills.

A full-time position in a Swiss company means about 40-42 hours of work per week. However, many companies also offer part-time positions (e.g. from one to four days per week). Work is then only carried out on certain days or for a lower number of hours per day. The salary is calculated accordingly.

If you do not earn enough to cover all your expenses (rent, health insurance, basic needs) with your salary, social assistance will cover the difference between your income and the amount you need. To make working worthwhile, many cantons will grant you an ‘income allowance’ (Einkommensfreibetrag). This means that only part of your income will be counted for the purposes of social assistance. This means that, on balance, you will have more money than if you did not work and only received social assistance.

If you have protection status S: Once you have found a part-time job, all you need is a work permit. Your employer must apply to your canton of residence for this. Further useful information on protection status S and living and working in Switzerland can be found here.

If you have an F or B permit: You can work part-time anywhere in Switzerland; your employer must notify the relevant cantonal authority.

Further information for persons with an F or B permit


Last modification 07.05.2024

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